Object and Type
Object : FCApplication
Type : Method
Public Sub InitializeFull( LoginName As String, password As String, _
DBServer As String, DBName As String, _
Optional DBType As String, _
Optional LogFile As String, _
Optional SqlLogFile As String, _
Optional SQLLogging As Boolean, _
Optional fcAppLogging As Boolean, _
Optional fcSessionLogging As Boolean, _
Optional fcGenericLogging As Boolean, _
Optional fcBulkLogging As Boolean, _
Optional fcSqlExecLogging As Boolean, _
Optional NoCacheFile As Boolean)
This method is similar to the Initialize method, in that it initializes the FCApplication. However, rather than reading data from an fc.env file, the necessary login parameters are passed into this method.
This method initializes the FCApplication, including:
· Logging into the database
· Opening Log Files
· Caching schema data
· Caching meta-data
· Writing cached meta-data
For additional information on the parameters, refer to the fc.env section of the FCFL user guide.
Parameter Name Required? Description
LoginName Yes Country Name
Password Yes Password
DBServer Yes Database Server Name
DBName Yes Database Name
DBType No Database Type. Default value is MSSQL.
LogFile No Log File Name
SqlLogFile No SQL Log File Name
fcAppLogging No Log FCApplication Methods/Properties?
fcSessionLogging No Log FCSession Methods/Properties?
fcGenericLogging No Log FCGeneric Methods/Properties?
fcBulkLogging No Log FCBulk Methods/Properties?
fcSqlExecLogging No Log FCSqlExec Methods/Properties?
NoCacheFile No If true, don't write XML cache files to disk
The following example initializes the FCApplication object..
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
var FCApp = new ActiveXObject("FCFL.fcapplication");
FCApp.InitializeFull("sa","MyPassword","MyServer","MyDatabase", "MSSQL");